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My Mission

Through my content and resources, I aim to alleviate the anxiety parents feel when managing childhood illnesses and injuries. I provide parents with the tools they need to feel confident, informed, and prepared. My goal is to offer the education and guidance I wish I had during those uncertain moments as a new parent.

My Experience in Emergency Medicine

I have practiced Emergency Medicine full-time for over a decade, during which time I’ve had the privilege of caring for thousands of children. In my role, I routinely:

  •  Diagnose common illnesses

  •  Prescribe medications

  •  Manage injuries, such as head injuries and broken bones

  •  Differentiate between critically ill and non-critically ill children

  •  Order blood work and other lab tests

  •  Stitch wounds

  •  Admit very sick children to the hospital

  •  Order imaging studies like X-rays, CT scans, and ultrasounds when appropriate

I understand the overwhelming emotions parents experience when their child is sick or injured, and it's this personal insight that inspires my commitment to helping parents feel more confident and capable in handling these challenging moments.

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My Personal Journey as a Mom

My passion for empowering parents comes from my own experience. Before completing my graduate-level medical training, I found myself in the ER with our firstborn, who was about one year old, anxiously waiting for over six hours to have him evaluated for a high fever.

When the visit was over, I left feeling confused, dismissed, and full of questions:

  •  Should I have come here?

  •  Did I do something wrong?

  •  Could I have avoided this trip?

  •  Will my son be okay?

What I needed at that moment was a short, simple conversation with the clinician—someone to explain what to expect, what was normal and what wasn’t, and how to properly monitor my child. That small amount of reassurance and guidance would have helped me feel confident and at ease, knowing I was doing the right thing for my son.

Why I Do What I Do

With over a decade of experience in Emergency Medicine, I’ve become that clinician for countless families. The advice I offer is the same advice I follow for my own children—backed by graduate-level medical training and my experience as a mother of three.

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